
Growing up in a small town in Australia, Central Coast, I always loved connecting with nature. I would surf, run on the beach, jog through the national park and hike on the weekends… but after a while, I developed a deep desire for something more. I wanted to explore faraway lands and experience as much as I could of this mysterious world we live in.

So, in 2018 I decided to move my life to South America. I travelled around the continent and eventually settled in Arequipa, Peru where I taught English in a small school, studied the Spanish language and travelled every chance I got around Peru, Bolivia and Argentina.

Before moving to Peru, I completed my first running expedition where I ran to the top of Mt. Kosciuszko in my pyjamas and when travelling around South America, I developed a keen interest in mountaineering. This passion amounted to my next running expedition where I summited a 5,800 meter volcano called ‘El Misti’ just outside of Arequipa, where I was living.

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It took me just over 13 hours, but in the end I was able to stand on the summit and witness the most spectacular view of the Andes mountains.

For some people their proudest, most inspiring moment might be finishing university or getting their first career job, but for me, summitting that volcano was my personal satisfaction, it was a very moving moment for me and it signified much more than just conquering a goal. I was being who I wanted to be and living how I wanted to live… my way.

Since then, I have moved back to Australia where I run my own website design business called Creating Waves Marketing.

I’m still a passionate explorer, writer and runner. I live on Central Coast / Newcastle and in my spare time, you will often find me reading, writing or working on new and exciting projects.

The two running expeditions resulted in raising over $10,000 for different NGO’s and charities and gained significant exposure in the media with various news articles, TV highlights and radio shows about the expeditions.

Read an interview about my running career here.

Listen to a radio show about living in Peru here.